
I’m Ryan “John” Platte. I go by John.

I have advised companies of all sizes for more than 20 years. My insights and skills help my clients solve difficult problems deeply and simply. Management at teams I worked on at Sears, Silicon Valley startup UserTesting, and a grocery startup that is now part of Instacart all pointed to key contributions I made that had profound impact at the level of the solutions I offer here. My years of work for small teams and organizations have immersed me in the distinct needs of small business.

There are many other experiences I’ve had that equip me for this work:

  • I’m a permaculture design consultant, a discipline that is focused on designing complex systems.
  • During my work as a software developer, I have led numerous exercises that helped build tools in complex situations such as those that small businesses face.
  • I have been an employer and business owner myself, as a consultant and also having run a small vegetable farm for a few years.
  • I have experience applying many diverse concepts in business management and psychology.

I was a contributing author to the first edition of the book Component-Based Rails Architecture, which helped software developers clean up messy systems with some similar concepts.

This range of experience has given me a large toolset and informed perspective that help me offer wise insights to my clients.